Wednesday, November 21, 2012

UDL Checklist

This past week, I posted a updated lesson plan.  This was a revision of a previous lesson I had created awhile back.  The changes that I made were in response to the concepts that I learned about Universal Design for Learning.  These are simple modifications used to make your lesson work for any student.  This is a checklist that I used to evaluate the lesson.  It is accessible here!  I highlighted the barriers to my previous lesson and made the changes.  I also identified some features that my original plan highlighted.  Do you use UDL?

UDL Guidelines – Educator Checklist
Your notes
Barrier: The students only received the content verbally.  By showing the students examples of the torn book, they can visually see which words had letters and which ones didn’t.
Barrier:  The students only have the knowledge from what I told them earlier, so if they have some confusion about concepts, they didn’t have support.  To prevent this barrier, I could provide an anchor chart that remains in my classroom that we create together.  This will remind the students of what needs capitalizing. 
Features:  The students know a lot about writing stories and they know that their name needs to be capital and the start of sentences.  I’m activating this, and then teaching them about the new content.
Barrier:  We worked together, but I never allowed them support in their processing.  An easy modification would be to have mini-conferences with each student.
Your notes
Feature: The children will use the digital story book to tell the story.  They will record their voice and upload their image. 
Your notes
Barrier:  The students do not get a choice throughout.  I assign the letters of the alphabet and the assignment.  An easy modification would be to allow them to choose which letter they write a page for. 
Feature:  The students love my son.  They get very excited anytime I use him in my teaching.  Therefore, they will be more likely to be engaged if they have an authentic audience.
Barrier:  The lesson had only one expectation for sentence creation.  By conferencing with the students, I could use that time to vary the challenge for individual students.
Barrier:  This lesson had minimal peer to peer communication.  To change that, the children can share and review their completed sentence to guarantee that it makes sense and it correct.
Barrier:  The students never assessed themselves.  The children can look at their work during the conference.  As a whole class, we can assess the accuracy while watching the story book. 

© CAST 2009

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